IOT and More
Sippy's products and services are offered by experts:
Inventor of the RTP Proxy
Original developer of the SIP B2BUA (2003)
Technical experts of SIP, VoIP and Telecoms
OpenSource software contributors
Sippy's technical team is made up of engineers and software developers whose expertise comes from their direct involvement in SIP projects. Our team has experience that includes:
Removing DTMF bleed to create security applications
Developing PBX functionality
Implementing SIP TCP and TLS Protocol support
Provisioning SSL certificate management
Automating code deployments across networks
Ensuring compliance with IETF mandates such as RFC 3265 and Draft-IETF-SIP-Privacy-04
Custom API management
Our development team contributes to a number of key Open Source Projects in the telco space. Our product wouldn’t be what it is without community development into Open Source projects like nathelper, RTPProxy, SippyB2BUA, mod_python, RTP_Cluster, voiptests, Go B2BUA and Go RTP Cluster. The hands-on experience that our team regularly enjoys makes us experts in the development of SIP applications used worldwide.
It wasn't long ago that news of a burning datacenter was everywhere.​
Redundancy options are critical and the ability to provide your customers guarantees around the continuity of your operations can set you apart from your competitors. Sippy has developed and maintains alternative redundancy options that are affordable and efficient.
The Cloud Backups alternative that Sippy offers will provide peace of mind to your customers and investors. With this alternative to a standby, Sippy will create a monthly, weekly or daily copy of your database so that you can have some safeguards in place if a disaster occurs.
The major benefits of the Cloud Backups option are:
Cost is a fraction of the cost of licensing and maintaining a full standby softswitch
You can select the frequency of data replication
The data that is backedup can be used for several key business functions such as reporting
Key hardware resources can be economized by minimizing the amount of data kept on the live server, eg. archived CDRs
The Sippy Standby server is essential in three situations:
Stabilizes voice network architectures if the master sever fails
Allows continuity of service While scheduled maintenance takes place
Reduces CPU load on the main server during collection of reports
Options are active failover (hot Standby) and passive failover (warm Standby).
Streaming data replication ensures the mirroring of data to a redundant Sippy Database, delivering data securely to a live standby server.
Sippy employs Slony PostgreSQL for its streaming data replication, resulting in a more flexible and stable mirroring of configurations and call accounting data for your business continuity in the event of failure.
When an issue has been resolved and the primary server becomes available again, any changes to the standby server's copies of databases must be restored back to the primary server. A reversion switchover procedure is performed by Sippy Support, returning original network architecture to normal.